This semester my junior theme paper focused on the reasoning behind the increase in eating disorders in America. In my paper, titled My Body, or Their’s?, i describe the “ideal body image” that society has created and how social media and peer pressure enforces that body image causing more and more Americans to resort to eating disorders to achieve the “ideal body image” that is completely unrealistic. In this paper I also address the most common types of eating disorders and how they negatively impact peoples lives.
Going into this assignment i was very excited to write this paper being that I myself have an eating disorder. I was excited to educate myself more on this disease that i have and maybe the reason why i have developed such a terrible thing. What surprised me the most in this research is how so many people go through the same thing that i do everyday and it made me feel not alone. I think this topic is very important in society and should be a larger topic of conversation because it effects so many more people in society than you would have thought. If society was more educated on this type of disease then people would know how to help their peers get better, and possibly even help themselves get better. That was part of my goal when writing this paper. I want more people to be educated on eating disorders because it is a serious matter. Hopefully by spreading my knowledge on eating disorders i can help people struggling with one, or i can educate someone who wants to help a peer struggling with one because it would be healthier for society if eating disorders became less common than they currently are.
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