I feel like I have been in this house forever. I definitely hit a low point last week and did not workout at all. I had no motivation to do anything. I didn't see the point. Today I am changing that though. I worked out two times today and I haven't eaten sugar yet. I want my body to feel better when I come out of this quarantine and I am gonna start that today. I do not know where the motivation came from but I plan to put it to good use. I am excited for the rest of this week and I really do hope that I will be happier by Friday from working out and feeling good about my body.
Today I decided to get out of the house and into nature and it was a great decision. I went to the forest by the lagoons and I rollerbladed for a very long time. I just kept going and going and going and i didn’t even realize how far i was going until i crossed paths with a map on the trail. I looked at the map and I was so surprised when I saw that I had been rollerblading for over ten miles! I was so proud of myself. I had just been enjoying the outside and the forest for the past two hours that I hadn't even realized how far I had gone. I am starting to realize how much this pandemic is making me appreciate nature so much more now. I never would have gone rollerblading outside in the forest if it was just a normal day. I would have been sitting in a basement with my friends if it was just any other day. This pandemic, as sad and as frustrating as it is, is an eye opening experience to appreciate nature.
It was really cold out today so i decided to spend the day inside. I woke up and went for an early run before my classes because I wanted to get my blood pumping and ready for the day. I did all of my classes and I did some weight training down in the basement for a while. I've also been trying to keep up on my health by working out more and I feel good. But it was cold out so the rest of the day I just layed in bed. As much as I have been working on my health and everything, I just layed in bed. Sometimes it is good to take a break and just lay down. I FaceTimed my boyfriend for almost five hours while he angrily screamed at his video games. I find it very funny and entertaining how someone can get so emotional and angry at a screen that is made up of a bunch of tiny little lights. I find it fascinating. Next week i really want to focus on my skin health because i just feel better mentally when my skin feels healthier, so i already ordered skin care products that i can use next week.
I agree, the pandemic is making me appreciate nature so much more. There is so much more time to think and really look at the world around us. Nature is so important and now I agree its so much fun to go outside.